Admission Policy


Applications for admission must be submitted on the printed and prescribed form obtainable form the school along with the prospectus.The form will be available in the school office on cash payment of Rs. 200/-

Application must be submitted latest by the date announced at the time of distribution of forms. Student seeking admission to the Nursery class are interviewed.

Advance notice of the date on which a particular student will be interviewed will be displayed on the school notice board and should be seen there.No separate notice will be sent to any one for this.

The list of students selected for the nursery and K.Gs. Classes will be put up on the notice board on a date of which similar advance notice will be given

A student selected for the admission must join by the date specified,failing which the selection will be cancelled and the seat will be given to the student next on the waiting list.

Student seeking admission as boarders/Day Scholars must be healthy and free from all communicable diseases.

A thorough medical checkup of each Boarder is done soon after admission .If any disease is then detected by the Medical Officer of the school ,the student will be sent home at the cost of the parents.

Fee charges once paid will not be refunded.

Applicant for admission to other classes will be examined ,on date to be notified in following subjects :

1. For Classes I To V : Hindi, English, Maths, General Knowledge.

2. For Classes VI To VIII : Hindi, English, Maths(Algebra, Geometry & Arithmetic), General Knowledge.

3. For Classes IX To XI :English,Maths,science
10. Parents/Guardians are requested to notify the school ,if any change in address or telephone numbers.

The student will be examined by the selection committee which will judge their Performance in (a) Academics (b) General Awareness (c) Extra curricular activities , before they are granted admission to ASPM Public School.

The result of the examination will be announced on date notified earlier. Successful candidates must join within the date specified failing which the seat will be given to the next student on the waiting list.

Only application which are complete in all respects will be considered. Incomplete Application will be summarily rejected. Application not submitted within the date prescribed for submission will not be accepted.

The Principal may reject any application without assigning any reason. In all matters pertaining to admission, the decision of the principal will be final


1. Notice of withdrawal of a student must be given in writing, 3 calendar months in advance or 3 month’s fees in lieu of notice will be charged.

A Student can be ordered to leave the school on the following grounds :

a. Indiscipline

b. Unsatisfactory progress in studies

c. Failing twice in the same class

d. Nonpayment of fee –Important Please!

All dues have to be cleared before a transfer certificate is issued.

Re-admission after withdrawal if desired and permitted will be possible only on payment of re-admission fee of Rs-200/- Tuition fee for the full session during which a student is withdrawn shall to be paid on withdrawal of student.

No student selected for participation in any game or cultural activity will remain absent without obtaining permission from the teacher incharge.

School take adequate care of its student and provides first aid in cases of emergency, yet it owns no responsibility of accident at all. The behavior of the student must be correct and courteous both inside the school premises and outside.

No student can be retained on the rolls of the school and if his /her progress at studies is steadily unsatisfactory, if he /she fails in all a class for two consecutive years, or if his /her presence in school is considered detrimental, unhealthy and harmful to other students.

The Principal’s decision in all matters of discipline shall be final. The Management reserves the right to waive any of rule contained in the prospectus without assigning any reason for their action.

The interpretation of any rule in this prospectus as any amendment to it rests solely on the Management of the School, their decision will be final and binding on the parents /guardians.

  • +91-9415691474, 8299504851